Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

You should read the book!

If you ask me, you should read The Australien Connection!
I like the story about father and son but all the other little storys about Dani and Alex or the band sucess are cool, too.
The book is easy to read because it's not so complicated and if I don't knwo a word I can look it up in the dictionary at the end of the book.
Some parts are difficult to understand but if I read it another time again it will be clear!

You'll have fun!

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

My impression of the ending

In the end I want to say something to this ending.
I think it was a wonderful "Happy End": Everything turns to the right!
I can see that Alex and Dani are agree and happy together. Dani has decided to come with her love to his home, get to know his mother and stay there forever.

If I was Dani, it would be a very difficult dessicion for me, because I have to leave all my friends, my family and begin a new life: I think that's not so easy!
I admire Dani that she goes with Alex, if you ask me it was the right dessicion.

My mini saga of chapter 9 and 10

The band's sucess stops because their following songs are not so cool then Jumpy.
Pete and Joe will be racists, so it comes to a fight at their last concert.
Dani and Alex are disagree about the bandlife.
Finally both live in London and have a new band: The dolphins...

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

Chapter eight

I read chapter eight
And I like this book. Although I read it before in the englishlessons in class 8 its always exciting!
The most interesting situation for me is if Dani and Alex are at Byron Bay. They watch dolphins and Dani said that they are just like the band, but Alex don't think so.
Suddenly he sees the bad sides of the famous live. He can't go where he want, he had to go there where he must play the guitar. He isn't free anymore. The dolphins are free!
What do you think about that Koray, Kati, Emmi, Madiha and Kevin? You are in my blog-team, so I want to listen your opinions!

Chapter seven

"And ,of course, Alex understood only too well!"

This quote means that Alex understand so good that Tom didn't want to grow up. He needs to travel, to have action...
In my opinion Alex needs this too. You can see it on his passion to be on stage, to be famous, his love with Dani... Alex likes the action, so I think Tom and his son are not so different !!!

My own ending of chapter seven

"That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, Tom has picked up his diary and began writing.

Friday, 8 February
Today I learned a lot of beeing dad. Alex is so nice, I am so happy to have him. And I want to cry that he and his mum didn't come with me if I left them. We could be a perfect family.
I was glad that Alex understood me. I know it was difficult for him! We have a strange relationchip.
Today I see Aey swimming. I have to laugh if Alex cryed if he saw the basker. He thought it was a shark! But now I know it wasn't so nice! I have to learn so much things!!!

Donnerstag, 22. November 2007


That's another part for the song "Jumpy"!

You make me jumpy!
Jumpy! Jumpy!
If I see you, If I see you
I'm feeling jumpy!

Let's dance!

Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

The sixth chapter

In my opinion chapter six was very unrealistic.
I wasn't right in my thoughts that Alex will be stuck-up. First he go to his father and is very shy, but then in the time he is angry and disappointed because Tom say nothing about the last fiveteen years. And Alex want to get to know the truth.
Then Tom ask Alex if he want to go to Queensland with him. If I was Alex I would go with them because I would get to know my dad better and that's the chance!
But there's a problem: Alex and Dani want to go somewhere together in the same time, but Alex decides to go with Tom. I think that was a difficult decision, but I has decide in this way, too.
Alex visits Dani and tell her the new things. Then they go upstairs... :-)

Tom and Alex has a beautiful time together. If you ask me I think that Alex will apologize Tom's mistake. But Tom will be only a friend for him, not a father...

Montag, 19. November 2007

My imagen of chapter six

task: What do you think? What will Alex tell his father?

I think that Alex will be a little bit stuck-up because he's proud and angry about his father.
But maybe he will be happy and nervous too because his dad finally arrived, but I think he won't show that!

In my opinion Alex will say "Hello" and wait for questions from his dad. I don't think that he will ask Tom very much at the first time because he want to check if Tom is interesting in Alex or not.

I am agree with Alex. I won't say so much things and want that my dad tells me something...

Freitag, 16. November 2007

The fifth chapter

In my opinion this chapter was not so nice because the band is disagree. They don't have so many luck on the trip to Sydney where they have to have a concert and then they hit a cow too! Dani and Alex say that Terry have murder the cow!!!
I felt really sad if I read that the cow was dead and the calf was next to him and "cried".
But there is a part I don't understand. What they had done with the cow?

Luckily the band can give the concert. But how they could came on the right time? There were so many accidents on their travel... I don't understand that!
In the end of the chapter Alex is very nervous because of seeing his father. He sees his face in the crowd and is excited. He sees him the first time! I would be excited and nervous, too.
What do you think about the relationchip between father and son? Will they have fun together?

I look forward to read on!!!

Dienstag, 13. November 2007

The fourth chapter

The fourth chapter of The Australian Connection is very exciting. Alex returns to Sydney but Tom isn't there!!! That's so unbelievable, I was so angry if I read this part because Tom had to go to Singapore. Why he didn't want to see his son??? I don't understand that!
Than Alex go on a trip with Dani to play in her band. He felt sad but angry, too.
His first concert was great! I noticed, that he loves to play the guitar, beeing on the stage and so on because he talks with Dani about that.
But than, they had their first disagreement. In my opinion it was so funny because they were disagree because of a penguin... Dani thought it is cute , but Alex wasn't sure if the penguin likes the spotlight of the tourists.
I am agree with him. Sure the penguin is cute but he should can live in peace without loud people taking photos!

Montag, 5. November 2007

The third chapter

I've read the third chapter of The Australian Connection and I must say, it's a very interesting book because you can learn a lot of things about Australia.
The third chapter is about Alexs week in Adelaide, in the South of Australia. He visit the family Williams and has a lot of fun on the Kangaroo Island where he can stroke kangaroos and koalas! That's cool, isn't it?!
On Mary's Peak, the highest mountain in Australia, Alex learn more about his dad and is very angry because Tom has said that he hasn't a son!!! I think, that is unbelievable!! I would be angry, too.
Then Alex think in the night: Let him see how HE likes it
That means, that Alex want to check what Tom will feel, if his son isn't there if he return at home.
I think, that is a good idea because Tom has to learn how sad that can be!!!

Samstag, 3. November 2007

The second chapter

The second chapter of the Australian Connection is about Alex arriving Australia. He's sad because he has to leave his family but also excited: he would see his dad!
But then - I was really shocked if I read that Alex dad didn't be in Australia, he had to go to London for work. That's terrible! I think I would be very angry about my dad, I couldn't believe that!

In Australia he meet a beautiful girl: Dani. She plays in a band and Alex can play with her. And he fall in love. I asked myself: Will Dani be the girlffriend of Alex?

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

The first chapter

I've read the first chapter of The Australian Connection, a book of Paul Stewart.
It's about an 18-year-old-boy who is going to visit his father Tom for the first time in Australia. Tom had left the family if Alex was two year and a half, so Alex is very excited about this trip. I think he's a little bit afraid, too. Maybe his father is a unfriendly man...
Will he like his father? What did everyone else think?
It's very helpfull that the text is so easly written, so it's more fun to read next time. I could understand all these words, I hadn't look up any word and that's good because you can be more concentrated on the story.