If you ask me, you should read The Australien Connection!
I like the story about father and son but all the other little storys about Dani and Alex or the band sucess are cool, too.
The book is easy to read because it's not so complicated and if I don't knwo a word I can look it up in the dictionary at the end of the book.
Some parts are difficult to understand but if I read it another time again it will be clear!
You'll have fun!
I like the story about father and son but all the other little storys about Dani and Alex or the band sucess are cool, too.
The book is easy to read because it's not so complicated and if I don't knwo a word I can look it up in the dictionary at the end of the book.
Some parts are difficult to understand but if I read it another time again it will be clear!
You'll have fun!
4 Kommentare:
hey mary,
you wrote a nice and of course good recommend. If I hadn't read "The Australian Connection" I would now read it, because you show me a the best parts of the book.
Why do you like the story? Where are the arguments?
On the other hand you're right that it's easy to read, but maybe a little bit too easy, I think..
In my opinion you've create a nice blog that's interesting to read.
Here a question (especially for you): What had you expect of the book: A Happy End or not? Why?
Please comment.
<3<3 Jana
hey marie yout text is very nice and understandable...like the book^^
I think that the book is ok but the I think that the story about the band succes is not realistic there are so much bands who want to be famous and why should that band be succesful?
Yours madiha
hi mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice blog!
but sorry.... a little mistake :knwo=know ^^
nwly marie
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