Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

Chapter seven

"And ,of course, Alex understood only too well!"

This quote means that Alex understand so good that Tom didn't want to grow up. He needs to travel, to have action...
In my opinion Alex needs this too. You can see it on his passion to be on stage, to be famous, his love with Dani... Alex likes the action, so I think Tom and his son are not so different !!!

My own ending of chapter seven

"That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, Tom has picked up his diary and began writing.

Friday, 8 February
Today I learned a lot of beeing dad. Alex is so nice, I am so happy to have him. And I want to cry that he and his mum didn't come with me if I left them. We could be a perfect family.
I was glad that Alex understood me. I know it was difficult for him! We have a strange relationchip.
Today I see Aey swimming. I have to laugh if Alex cryed if he saw the basker. He thought it was a shark! But now I know it wasn't so nice! I have to learn so much things!!!

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